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Hands On Activities

"I hear and forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucious

I am aware that all students learn differently. Which it was very important for me to incorporate a lot of different multisensory activities. In my experience, every time we do something in which students are able to use their hands to create something their engagement is through the roof. The above are some of my favorites thus far.

Hands On Activities: Text

Making ice cream

During our matter unit, we made our own homemade ice cream. Students loved being able to shake up the ingredients and watch as the liquid became a solid, and would turn into a liquid again as it melted. Their favorite part was getting to eat the ice cream afterwards.


Making maracas using recycled materials

During our music unit we made some maracas with some leftover materials from our reduce, reuse, recycle unit. Every student was given a specific number of kernels they had to count out. We then compared the correlation between how loud each maraca was based the number of kernels inside.


Making our classroom robot

During our reduce, reuse, recycle unit the students painted different boxes and materials that they brought in from home. We then as a class put together our robot. Each student also got to answer a personality question about the robot so we could get to know him better, like his name and favorite holiday.


Making a roller coaster

For Black history month each class focused on a specific black inventor. We had Granville T. Woods. In honor of him, we created our own roller coaster using recyclables.

Hands On Activities: Recognitions
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